About Us
TRAC was first formed in the months after the 2022 Maryland General Assembly legislative session. After writing and leading the advocacy for the Trans Health Equity Act and seeing the bill stall in the final days of session, organizers knew that in order to pass the bill next year, a broader and more organized trans-led effort was needed.
Now, TRAC continues to be entirely trans-led and has more than 100 members and organizations dedicated to advancing progress for trans Marylanders. With TRAC's leadership, the General Assembly passed the Trans Health Equity Act in 2023, ensuring that Marylanders on Medicaid have the same access to gender-affirming care as those on other insurance plans.
TRAC was instrumental in pushing Governor Moore to protect access to gender-affirming care in Maryland. On June 6th, 2023, the governor signed Executive Order 01.01.2023.08 and declared that Maryland would continue to be a safe and welcoming place for trans people seeking care.​
To continue this work during the 2024 session, we led advocacy on SB119, which protects gender-affirming care patients, providers, and support networks from out-of-state harassment and litigation. SB119 was passed and signed into law by the governor, making Maryland the 12th state in the country to have a shielding law that includes gender-affirming care.
Our other policy focus is improving the treatment, rights, and dignity of incarcerated transgender and gender-expansive people in Maryland. We've successfully lobbied for budget language that requires the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to write an annual report on the treatment of incarcerated trans people, and are working to collect stories and input from the incarcerated trans community.
Our organizing is based in a consensus and community-building model that centers racial justice and queer liberation. We take the health and wellness of our community members very seriously, and make sure to leave space for joy, care, and rest.
Interested in joining the Trans Rights Advocacy Coalition? Fill out the form and we'll be in touch!

Some members of the Trans Rights Advocacy Coalition leadership team in Annapolis
Left to right: Brige Dumais (they/them), Maya Holliday (they/she), Ngaire Philip (she/they), Jamie Grace Alexander (she/they), Sam Williamson (they/them).
Not pictured are Alexis Blackmon (she/her) and Devon Ojeda (he/they)